Making alterations and improvements to your home
Making alterations and improvements to your home
Before you carry out any internal structural alterations or improvements to your home you must write to us to obtain permission.
Examples of structural works that require permission include:
- Re-decoration of the exterior of your flat
- Removing walls or chimney breasts
- Window replacement
- Disconnection from a District Heating scheme
- Repositioning of a boiler
- Repositioning of a ventilation duct
- Moving a bathroom or kitchen within the flat
- Pipework connection to the communal soil stack
To get our permission, you must write to:
First Choice Homes Limited
Homeownership Service
First Place
22 Union Street
What we need to know
In your letter, please provide us with as much detail as possible about the work you wish to carry out. We will consider your request carefully and on occasions may need to discuss your proposals with you.
We will not refuse permission unless the work affects the structural integrity of the building, or is likely to cause a nuisance to your neighbours.
It is essential that you ensure that all our requirements are met, including where appropriate, obtaining building regulations approval and planning permission.
Work must not commence until we have confirmed our consent in writing.
You are responsible for the maintenance or servicing of any improvements that you carry out in your home.
You may redecorate the inside of your home and replace existing fixtures and fittings without permission.
We are responsible for the repair and replacement of windows (excluding glass) and will arrange for this work to be carried out when the windows require replacing. However, you will have to pay your share of the costs through the service charge. If you wish to renew the windows yourself in certain circumstances consent may be granted for you to renew to our specification.
If you wish to change your front door and/or frame, you need to write to us for permission.
District heating schemes
If you are on the district heating system and you wish to install individual central heating in your flat, you will need to obtain written permission from us. Permission will not be unreasonably withheld. However, it is important that the work is carried out by a qualified person and fitted as per all statutory regulations.
Television aerials
In some of our blocks communal TV aerials are provided and you pay for this facility through the service charge. If your block does not have a communal aerial, you must ask us for permission if you want to fit an aerial external to your property.
Satellite dishes
Before arranging for a satellite dish to be fixed to the outside of your flat, you will need to obtain our agreement and apply for planning where required. If a dish is fitted without permission we will ask you to remove the dish and if it is not removed we may take legal action and ask you to pay our solicitors costs.
Adaptations and equipment
If you are elderly or have care and support needs and find it difficult to access your home or to move around inside it, you should contact Adult Social Services at Oldham Council. They will make arrangements to visit you in your home and will be able to assess your needs and give advice on whether aids or adaptations would be able to help you. If you do need to have adaptations carried out to your home, you could be able to apply for a grant funding that may help pay for the work.
Get in touch
To get in touch with one of our advisors about your lease, please email