Community litter pick coming to Derker this month
If you live in Derker, you are invited to join your Neighbourhood Co-ordinator Rachael Evason for a community litter pick this month!
Where: Shakespeare Rd and Masefield Rd, Derker
When: Friday 16 Sept 2-3.30pm
Meeting point: End Masefield Rd/Whetstone Hill Rd junction
Want to get involved?
Please contact Rachael on 0161 393 5253 or email
We encourage you to bring your own equipment if you have it but if not, just give Rachael a call or email and she can arrange for some equipment for you.
This is an outdoor activity so please dress for the weather and task.
Ways we're tackling litter and waste in neighbourhoods
We know that most people take pride in where they live, but unfortunately a minority don’t and rubbish and fly tipping are persistent issues in a number of our neighbourhoods. We know the negative impact this has on people and their area, that’s why last autumn we launched three pilot projects to deal with the amount of rubbish dumped on FCHO-owned land. The results are now shaping our future approach that will help make a positive difference to our customers and neighbourhoods.
Look out for more news coming soon.