Upcoming events to support you into work


Dates for your diary


26th Feb - Job search and applications training: 10am - 12noon

26th Feb - DWP Mentoring circles

The Mentoring Circles Programme uses positive role models to support young people to build their confidence, self-efficacy and employability. It will support 30 people under 25 who are looking for work and help them build their aspirations to work at our organisation and build their knowledge of the housing sector

27th Feb - Introductory interview skills training: 10am - 12noon

28th Feb - Answering difficult interview questions training: 10am - 12noon


Changing Horizons 
10th March, 9am - 2.30pm, Queen Elizabeth Hall

This is a one-day event which brings together up to 500 Oldham pupils aged 12 and 13 with local employers, educational establishments, the voluntary sector and Civil Service Departments to:

  • Inspire students that no matter where they start in life with the right attitude and approach they can achieve
  • Showcase career opportunities in the Civil Service, NHS, Teaching Careers.
  • Promote the Technical Education Agenda through activity with employers from Construction, Digital, Manufacturing, Retail, Health and Social Care and Financial and Business Services.
  • Identify skills of young people and demonstrate how they link to employability
  • Provide opportunities for attaining skills in the world of work and voluntary sector

Our directions team will be there so come and say hello!

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Looking for work?
Our Directions team is here to help

Email: directions@fcho.co.uk
Telephone: 0161 393 5550