Volunteering and work experience

Volunteer with us

Are you interested in giving back to the community, gaining new skills and enhanced personal development? Then volunteering with us is for you.

Volunteering is a great opportunity to give something back and you can also increase your confidence, gain new skills and develop friendships. Our volunteering scheme is a two-hour a week commitment and a feel good opportunity. 

Work experience

Work experience placements are available to anyone who is unemployed. The Work experience gives you the chance to gain transferable work place skills and build on more specific career paths. The placements are for eight weeks, 16 hours per week and successful applicants will join a team within our organisation who will guide you through. These are unpaid but the experience is invaluable and really helps you get noticed when applying for jobs. If you are always hearing “what experience have you got!”, this may be the route for you.

  • If you'd like to volunteer or undertake a work experience placement - please email volunteer@fcho.co.uk
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