Upcoming jobs events
Regular employment support drop-ins
We have a number of drop-ins where you can get help with job searching, CVs, applications and more, no appointment needed. There take place:
Town centre: every Tuesday, 10am - 12noon in the reception area at First Place, 22 Union Street
Sholver: Thursdays, 1 - 3pm, Sholver Community Centre, Sholver Lane, OL1 4NT
Greenacres: first and third Wednesday of the month, Neon Hub Holt St, Oldham OL4 2DQ
Holts: Thursdays, 9am - 2pm, Roc and Rolls Care, Near Birches Parade, Holts
Alts: Every other Friday, 10am - 12noon, Alt Cafe, Cherry Avenue, Oldham, OL8 2HS (call our Directions team using the details below to see when the next one is)
Employment support sessions
We hold a number of support sessions where we offer help and advice to get you into work, but these need to be booked in advance.
For details of our latest sessions, visit our news page.
Terrific Tuesdays!
On Tuesdays, our partners come into our offices to host extra sessions:
- Start Smart - can help you get your start-up business up-and-running
- National Careers Service - for general advice and support to develop your career
If you'd like to make an appointment with either of the above, call the Directions team using the details below.

Looking for work?
Our Directions team is here to help
Email: directions@fcho.co.uk
Telephone: 0161 393 5550